Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Ready for clue 2...
I thought I would fall behind with only a week between clues but find myself sitting on my hands waiting . . . waiting . . .  waiting . . .

The colors look great together and I know the finished quilt will be magnificent.  I think it will make a beautiful wedding gift for a great niece who has recently become engaged.

Monday, November 28, 2016

En Provence MQ [clue 1]

I have decided to start my very first mystery quilt. I am going with Bonnie Hunter's "En Provence" which started Friday, 25 Nov 2016, you can find it here if interested in sewing along.

Here is a picture of my 4 patches in neutrals. I am looking forward to the next clue but will not finish as quick because of time.  I have enjoyed sewing during my 4 day weekend and would like to thank Bonnie Hunter and the girls at Piece of Mind for keeping me motivated.

link up for en-provence

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Family Crossword Puzzle Quilt

I started appliqueing the letters for this quilt in 2013 and worked on most of them during my lunch time at Cancer Centers of the Carolinas.   Off and on for 3 years I would pick up this project and finally finished piecing it on 20 Nov 2016. It is full of words that have something to do with my 2 sons and myself.  

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Aunt Doris's Quilt

May 5, 2015

Aunt Doris always told me she didn't want any flowers placed on her grave when she died.  She said, "If you can't give me flowers while I am here to enjoy them then don't give them to me after I am gone."  I try every year to give her flowers and I hope she enjoys them to the fullest.  I gave her this Quilt to keep her warm on those cold Ohio nights. Love you Aunt Doris and hope you enjoy these flowers for a long time.

                  My favorite aunt...                                       Aunt Doris loving her new quilt.
Patricia Sinclair, Doris McMullen, Paul Roof, Ed Roof

While in Ohio I also stopped by to give a duplicate quilt to a good friend.
                                                        Carolee Schneider Miller

In the Beggining

I have always been an avid reader and have traveled the world through books.  Now that I am getting older I thought I would begin showing off my other interests.
I love to:

Crochet -

Quilt -

Embroider -

Photography- This is more of a hobby than a craft but it help with my peace of mind.

Scrapbooking -

Cooking -

Canning -

                                                                                                                to be continued.