Sunday, September 22, 2019

Happy Sunday everyone, I am not making excuses for not posting last week yet wanted you all to know I had some kind of a bug that was going around and felt really ill.
This past week my vitals(as I call them) was as follows


Sunday- DIDN'T TAKE and Weight-261.6
Steps 1,683

Monday- Glucose- 132  , Blood Pressure- 113/57  , Pulse-   66
Steps 3,389

Tuesday- DIDN'T TAKE
Steps 5,081

Wednesday- DIDN'T TAKE
Steps 4,466

Thursday- Glucose-  109 , Blood Presure-  108/74 , Pulse-   68
Steps 4,604

Friday- Glucose-  112 , Blood Pressure-  105/65 , Pulse-   75
Steps153 forgot my Fit Bit at home...

Saturday- Glucose-  101 , Blood Pressure-  145/86 , Pulse-  81, and Weight 259.8
Steps 741 I slept most of the day.

As you can see from my steps above I lead a VERY sedentary life.  I need to find more ways to find movement in my life.

I can't believe I am actually telling my weight on here for everyone to see but there it is.  I want to let you all know if there is anyone reading this, of a couple of youtube channels to help me stay motivated.  The first one is Paul Reads Books and the second is Book Babe 88 , they both have other content on their chanels but I check in to see where they are in their journeys to become healthier.

Stick with me and I will do my best to check in every Sunday.  Want to know more about me and what I am doing please ask me below in the comments.